BBO (Beta Barium Borate) crystals are renowned for their exceptional nonlinear optical properties, which make them highly effective for a variety of photonic applications. They are particularly noted for their ability to achieve frequency doubling (second harmonic generation or SHG) of laser light, a process where the frequency of the incident light is doubled, effectively halving its wavelength and transforming it into a higher-energy form .

These uniaxial NLO crystals are favored for their wide transparency range, large nonlinear coefficient, and high laser damage threshold, which together facilitate their use in various laser systems. BBO crystals are commonly utilized to double the frequency of Ti:sapphire lasers, which are popular for their broad tunability and high power. This process is not only limited to Ti:sapphire lasers; BBO crystals are also adept at doubling the frequency of other laser types, including those in the near-infrared spectrum and few-cycle lasers .
In addition to SHG, BBO crystals are also used in more complex processes like sum-frequency mixing (SFM), where two different wavelengths are combined to produce a third wavelength, and difference-frequency generation (DFG), where two wavelengths produce a third wavelength that falls between them in the spectrum . These capabilities make BBO crystals valuable for applications in optical parametric oscillators and amplifiers (OPOs and OPAs), which are used to generate high-powered, tunable laser light across a broad spectrum.
The efficiency of BBO crystals in SHG can be quite high, often reaching above 50% under optimal conditions, and they can maintain this level of performance across a range of temperatures, adding to their versatility in different operating environments . This makes them suitable not only for laboratory settings but also for industrial applications where stability and reliability are key.
In summary, BBO crystals are indispensable tools in the field of nonlinear optics, used to manipulate laser light in ways that enhance its properties for a multitude of scientific and industrial applications. Their ability to convert laser frequencies with high efficiency and reliability has made them a go-to choice for researchers and engineers alike.
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