Optimum Optical Crystal Size

When ordering a NLO optical crystal, nonlinear optical crystal orientationand size have to be known. The orientation is solely determined by the nonlinear optical process. The nonlinear optical crystal size is divided into three dimensions noted as WxHXLmm3. The careful design of crystal size is important because the conversion effciency has direct relation to crystal length.

Optimum Optical Crystal Cut

To select the optimum nonlinear optical crystal height(H), the laser beam diameter upon the crystal should be taken into accout. The optimum crystal height should slightly(1-2mm) larger than the laser beam diameter upon the crystal.Both of laser beam Diameter upon NLO crystal and tunable wavelength range have to be considered when designing the optimum crystal width(W). The crystal length is decided by the application. The different crystals and different nonlinear optical crystal application will be required the different length's nonlinear optical crystals.

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