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A-Star Photonics provides a full range of precision optics, including the optical components and polarization optics. Now A-Star’s optical components have included optical prisms, lenses, optical mirrors, optical beamsplitters, optical filters. Polarization optics have included waveplates, polarizers, polarization beamsplitters. These products are widely used in industries,aerospace and other hi-tech field. In precision optics field, A-Star […]

A-Star photonics inc. manufactures lens assemblies A-Star photonics inc. manufactures lens assemblies designed in house, to satisfy stringent optical, mechanical and environmental performance specifications using a minimum number of optical elements. A-Star photonics inc. optics lens sub-assemblies rely on the unique combination of optical components, spherical lenses, superior coatings and its experienced optical and mechanical designers. […]

China Wollaston Polarizers Instruction Wollaston polarizer is made of two birefringent material prisms that are cemented together. Wollaston polarizer is made of two birefringent material prisms that are cemented together. The deviations of the ordinary and extraordinary beams are nearly symmetrical about the input beam axis, so that the Wollaston polarizing beam splitter has approximately twice […]

A-Star’s Wollaston Polarizers We can supply Calcite Wollaston Polarizers, YVO4 Wollaston Polarizers, Quartz  Wollaston Polarizers, @-BBO Wollaston Polarizers with most competitive price and high quality. Wollaston Polarizers ideal for laboratory experiments for their access to both ordinary and extraordinary rays are available at A-Star Optics. Wollaston Polarizers Material : Calcite Wollaston Polarizers, YVO4 Wollaston Polarizers, Quartz […]

A) First, is the Nonlinear crystal transparent at the involved wavelengths and phase-matchable? B) If the answer is yes, then what’s the damage threshold, effective nonlinear coefficient and group velocity mismatch (for ultra fast laser)? C) Chose suitable crystal sizes according to your laser power and pulse width, then calculate conversion efficiency. D) Finally, balance […]

AD: A-Star’s NLO Crystals include BBO Crystal, LBO Crystal, LiNbO3 Crystal, MgO:LiNbO3 Crystal, DKDP&KDP Crystal, KTP Crystal and KTA Crystal etc. A-Star collect especial carefully for the inside material quality and polish in quickest time. When receiving a Nonlinear crystal, only qualified personnel are allowed to open crystal boxes at clean environment. We always ship clean, […]

Optimum Optical Crystal Size When ordering a NLO optical crystal, nonlinear optical crystal orientationand size have to be known. The orientation is solely determined by the nonlinear optical process. The nonlinear optical crystal size is divided into three dimensions noted as WxHXLmm3. The careful design of crystal size is important because the conversion effciency has direct […]

A-Star’s BBO Nonlinear Crystals Introduction Lithium triborate (LiB 3 O 5 or LBO) has the following exceptional properties that make it a very important nonlinear crystal. Lithium Triborate (LBO) is a nonlinear optical crystal that has several distinctive features. LBO crystal can be used for a variety of nonlinear optical applications. LBO Nonlinear Crystals Application: Optical […]

What is the Mark  on the NLO crystal Surface: There is a dot mark on the NLO crystal which is the axis for angle tilting to achieve phase matching. Laser polarization should be parallel to the doted axis for type I or 45deg. for type II phase matching. If you are not sure of your […]

Nonlinear crystals Applications NLO Crystals is short for Nonlinear Crystals, means the crystals that can generate nonlinear optical effect from laser beam or electricity,magnetic field and strain field. NLO Crystals (Non-linear Optical Crystals) are used for extending the laser spectrum from deep UV to far IR by various harmonic generations (SHG, THG), sum frequency generations […]