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a-BBO, high temperature phase of BaB2O4, is an excellent birefringent crystal
Beta-BaB2O4 is a nonlinear optical crystal which combines a number of unique features. These features include wide transparency and phase matching ranges, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold and excellent optical homogeneity. Therefore, BBO provides an attractive solution for various nonlinear optical applications.
BBO crystal is also an excellent electro-optic crystal for high power applications at the wavelength range from 200nm to 2500nm. It can be used for Q-Switching in a CW diode pumped Nd:YAG laser with average power>50W.
Low price BBO Crystal

BBO Crystal Z-CUT with gold coating
Get the China A-Star BBO Crystal latest price of 2017.
1. Main Features
Good mechanical and physical properties
Broad phase-matchable second-harmonic-generation (SHG) range from 409.6 nm to 3500 nm
Wide transmission region from 190 nm to 3500 nm
Large effective SHG coefficient
High damage threshold of 10 GW/cm2 for 100 ps pulse-width at 1064 nm
High optical homogeneity with Δn=10-6/cm
Wide temperature-bandwidth of about 55℃ (for type I SHG 1064 nm)
2. Typical Applications
Second, third, fourth and fifth harmonic generation of Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF laser
Frequency-doubling, -tripling and -mixing of Dye lasers
Second, third and fourth harmonic generation of Ti:Sapphire and Alexandrite lasers
Optical parametric amplifier (OPA) and optical parametric oscillators (OPO)
Frequency-doubling of Argon ion, Cu-vapor and Ruby lasers
Research and development for advanced laser techniques, including all-solid state wide-tunable lasers, ultrafast pulse lasers, and DUV lasers
Wide temperature-bandwidth of about 55℃ (for type I SHG 1064 nm)
China bbo crystals manufacturer,We are specialized in the production of BBO Crystal.
BBO Crystal Price , A-Star BBO Crystal Price , China BBO Crystal Price , BBO Crystal Price 2017 , BBO PRICE
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