Astar photonics is bbo crystals manufacturer in Fuzhou,china.
The β-BaB2O4 (β-BBO) crystal is a crucial nonlinear optical crystal due to its exceptional properties, including high nonlinear optical coefficients, low group-velocity dispersion, broad transparency range (189–3500 nm), and high damage threshold. These characteristics make it an excellent choice for nonlinear optical applications such as frequency converters and optical parametric oscillators. In quantum optics, the β-BBO crystal can produce entangled photon pairs and ten-photon entanglement.
The BBO nonlinear crystal exhibits negative uniaxiality and offers phase matching for a wide range of second-order interactions across its transparency range of 185 nm to 3.3 µm, as determined through transmittance measurements on millimeter-thick crystal samples. It is extensively utilized for nonlinear frequency conversion in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared regions. The BBO crystal is particularly crucial for optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers operating in the near-infrared, producing few-cycle optical pulses with high average and ultra-high peak powers.