A-STAR's KTA Nonlinear Crystal

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KTA Nonlinear Crystal Advantage:

Large nonlinear optical and electro-optical coefficients

Wide angular bandwidth and small walk-off angle

Broad temperature and spectral bandwidth

Low dielectric constants, loss tangent and ionic conductivities (much less than that of KTP)

High damage threshold

Lower absorption in the 3-4 µ M spectrum range than KTP.

Highly resistant to high intensity laser radiation.

KTA Nonlinear Crystal Application:

An excellent NLO crystal developed mainly for Optical Parametric Oscillation (OPO)

Frequency Doubling (SHG @1083nm-3789nm)

Sum and Difference Frequency Generation (SFG)/(DFG)

Electro-Optical Q-switch and modulation for Optical waveguides

KTA Nonlinear Crystal Description:
KTA Nonlinear Crystal or Potassium Titanyl Arsenate (KTiOAsO4) is an excellent nonlinear optical crystal for Optical Parametric Oscillation(OPO) application. KTA Nonlinear Crystal has better nonlinear optical crystal and electro optical coefficients, significantly reduced absorption in the region of 2μm to 5μm, broad angular and temperature bandwidth, low  dielectric constants.

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