China Astar's Optical BBO crystals

Brand: ASTAR
Optical BBO Crystal Description:

BBO is a nonlinear optical crystal with a combination of a number of unique features: wide transparency region, broad phase-matching range, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold.

1. Main Features

Good mechanical and physical properties

Broad phase-matchable second-harmonic-generation (SHG) range from 409.6 nm to 3500 nm

Wide transmission region from 190 nm to 3500 nm

Large effective SHG coefficient

The high damage threshold of 10 GW/cm2 for 100 ps pulse-width at 1064 nm

High optical homogeneity with Δn=10-6/cm

Wide temperature-bandwidth of about 55ºC (for type I SHG 1064 nm)

α-bbo crystal

a-BBO, high-temperature phase of BaB2O4, is an excellent birefringent crystal

2. Typical Applications

Second, third, fourth and fifth harmonic generation of Nd: YAG and Nd: YLF laser

Frequency-doubling, -tripling and -mixing of Dye lasers

Second, third and fourth harmonic generation of Ti: Sapphire and Alexandrite lasers

Optical parametric amplifier (OPA) and optical parametric oscillators (OPO)

Frequency-doubling of Argon ion, Cu-vapor, and Ruby lasers

Research and development for advanced laser techniques, including all-solid-state wide-tunable lasers, ultrafast pulse lasers, and DUV lasers

Wide temperature-bandwidth of about 55ºC (for type I SHG 1064 nm)

BBO Crystal Package

BBO Crystal Package

What is Optical BBO Crystal

 High-Temperature form BBO ( a -BaB 2 O 4 ) is a negative uniaxial crystal. It has large birefringence over the broad transparent range from 189 nm to 3500 nm. The physical, chemical, thermal and optical properties of the a-BBO crystal are similar to those of b-BBO. However, the nonlinear optical properties of the a-BBO crystal are vanished due to the centric symmetry with its crystal structure. It is not recommended to use for NLO processes.

a -BBO is an excellent crystal to replace Calcite, TiO 2, and LiNbO 3, etc. in Glan-Taylor and Glan-Thompson polarizers as well as walk-off beam splitters, especially for high power and UV polarizer, due to its unique UV transparency, good mechanical properties, and high damage threshold. Astar manufactures and supplies Glan-Laser, Glan-Taylor, Glan-Thompson Polarizers and other beam displacers from high quality a -BBO crystals to replace Calcite in many applications, especially in UV and high power operations.


Astar is specialized in the production of various specifications of optical bbo crystal according to the customers' demand, And we are committed our standard more than eight years to offering our customers with excellent products, reasonable prices and a high level of service.

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