Optical LBO Crystal
A-Star Photonics are specialized in the production of various specifications of optical components according to the customers' demand, And we are committed our standard more than eight years to offering our customers with excellent products, reasonable prices and high level of service.
LBO Crystal is one of the most useful nonlinear optical material not just for its relatively large conversion coefficient - 3x that of KDP, but also for its excellent physical properties.
LBO crystal has broad optical transparency range from 160 to 2600nm. It excels in high power SHG with minimal thermal lensing as compared to KTP. Its large acceptance angle paired with small walk-off angle which reduces the beam quality requirement for sourcelasers.
LBO Crystal also allows temperature controllable type I non-critical phase-matching(NCPM) for 1000 – 1300nm and type II NCPM for 800 to 1100nm at room temperature. With a high optical homogeneity (?n ~10-6), the material is grown virtually inclusion free. With a damage threshold of up to 45 GW/cm2 at 1064nm, it is again the material of choice for high power applications.
LBO Crystal is widely used for SHG and THG of Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Nd:YVO4 and ultra-fast Ti:sapphire lasers. OPOs(Optical Parametric Oscillators) and OPAs (Optical Parametric Amplifier).