Achromatic Waveplate

Achromatic Waveplate - A-Star Photonics

Unlike standard waveplates, Achromatic Waveplates, AWP, provide a constant phase shift independent of the wavelength of light that is used.

Achromatic Waveplate

Wholesale Achromatic Waveplate from China A-Star optical. You can Online order our Achromatic Waveplate or other optical waveplates.

Unlike standard waveplates, Achromatic Waveplates (Retarders) provide a constant phase shift independent of the wavelength of light that is used. This wavelength independence is achieved by using two different birefringent crystalline materials. An Achromatic Waveplate, AWP, is similar to a Zero-Order Waveplate, which is made from two pieces of Crystal Quartz except that the AWP is composed of one piece of Crystal Quartz and one piece of Magnesium Fluoride, MgF2. Both of these materials are birefringent, however, by proper matching of the birefringent changes in one material with those of the second, retardation changes are minimized as the wavelength changes. This phenomenon produces a waveplate whose change in retardation is extremely small for large variations in wavelength.

Achromatic Waveplate Specifications:

AttributeAchromatic Waveplate Specification
Material:Quartz & MgF2
Dimension Tolerance:+0.0/-0.1mm
Surface Quality:40/20 Scratch/Dig
Parallelism:<1 arc Second
Retardation Tolerance:λ/100
Retardation:λ/2 & λ/4
Clear Aperture>90%
AR CoatedR<0.2%@Wavelength

Unlike standard waveplates, Achromatic Waveplates, AWP, provide a constant phase shift independent of the wavelength of light that is used.This wavelength independence is achieved by using two different crystalline materials to yield quarter- or half-wave retardation over a broad spectral range.The Retardation tolerance of our AWPs is better than λ/100 over the entire wavelength range.The flat response of an AWP is ideal for use with tunable lasers,multiple laser-line systems and other broad spectrum sources

A-Star's AWPs are designed to effectively eliminate the wavelength dependence over a wide spectral range,typically several hundred nanometers.Our AWPs are available for four wavelength ranges:VIS (450-680nm),NIR (700-1000nm),950-1300,1200-1650.The AWPs are air spaced construction in a black anodized aluminum housing.Fast axis is marked on the mount.Custom assemblies,including cemented versions,are available to meet your specific requirements.

Achromatic Waveplates Specifications:

Material : -------------------------------------Crystal Quartz & MgF2
Parallelism:-------------------------------- Diameter Tolerance:------------------+0.0, -0.2
Surface Quality :-----------------------40/20 scratch dig
Retardance:-----------------------------λ/2 andλ/4
Retardation Tolerance :-------------<λ/100 over wavelength range
Wavefornt Distortion :---------------λ/4@633nm
AR Coated:------------------------Rave<0.8%@450-680 Rave<0.8%@700-1000
Rave<0.5%@950-1300 Rave<0.5%@1200-1650
Wavelength Ranges: 450~680nm,700~1000nm,950~1300nm ,1200~1650nm 

Quarter Waveplates P/N#
Half Waveplates P/N#
Mout Diameter(mm)Aperture(mm)Thickness(mm)Unit Price