• Nd:YVO4 optical laser crystals
  • Nd YVO4 Crystal

Nd:YVO4 crystal is one of the most efficient laser host crystal currently existing for diode laser pumped solid state lasers. Its large stimulated emission cross-section at lasing wavelengtheffective diode pumped solid-state lasers.


Nd:YVO4 crystal is one of the most efficient laser host crystal currently existing for diode laser pumped solid state lasers. Its large stimulated emission cross-section at lasing wavelength, high abs


Nd:YVO4 crystal is one of the most efficient laser host crystal currently existing for diode laser pumped solid state lasers. Its large stimulated emission cross-section at lasing wavelength, high absorption coefficient and wide absorption bandwidth at pump wavelength, high laser induced damage threshold as well as good physical, optical and mechanical properties make Nd:YVO4 an excellent crystal for high power, stable and cost effective diode pumped solid-state lasers.

Main Features

  1. Low lasing threshold and high slope efficiency
  2. Low dependency on pump wavelength
  3. Large stimulated emission cross-section at lasing wavelength
  4. High absorption over a wide pumping wavelength bandwidth
  5. Optically uniaxial and large birefringence emits polarized laser

Typical Applications

  1. For Single-longitudinal-mode output and compact design
  2. Diode laser-pumped Nd:YVO4 compact laser and its frequency-doubled green, red or blue laser will be the ideal laser tools of machining, material processing, spectroscopy, wafer inspection, light show, medical diagnostics, laser printing and other most widespread applications


Nd Dopant Level0.1 - 5.0 atm%
Standard Dimensions3x3x3 mm3, 3x3x1 mm3, 3x3x0.5 mm3
Wavefront Distortionλ/8@ 633nm
ScatteringInvisible, probed with a He-Ne laser
Orientation Tolerance±0.5deg
Dimensional Tolerance±0.1mm
End-faces ConfigurationPlano/Plano
Surface Flatnessλ/10 at 633 nm
Surface Quality10/5 Scratch and Dig
Parallelism< 10 arc seconds
Clear Aperture> Central 90%
Intrinsic Loss< 0.1%cm-1

Physical Properties

Atomic Density~1.37x1020 atoms/cm3
Crystal StructureZircon Tetragonal, space group D4h
a=b=7.12, c=6.29
Density4.22 g/cm3
Mohs HardnessGlass-like, ~5
Thermal Expansion Coefficienta=4.43x10-6/K, c=11.37x10-6/K

Optical Properties(typically for 1.1 atm% Nd:YVO4, a-cut crystals)

Lasing Wavelengths914nm, 1064 nm, 1342 nm
Thermal Optical Coefficientdna/dT=8.5x10-6/K, dnc/dT=3.0x10-6/K
Stimulated Emission Cross-Section25.0x10-19cm2 @1064 nm
Fluorescent Lifetime90us @808 nm, (50us @808 nm for 2atm% Nd doped)
Absorption Coefficient31.4 cm-1@808 nm
Absorption Length0.32 mm @808 nm
Intrinsic LossLess than 0.1% cm-1@1064 nm
Gain Bandwidth0.96 nm (257 GHz) @1064 nm
Polarized Laser Emissionppolarization, Parallel to optic axis (c-axis)
Diode Pumped Optical to Optical Efficiency> 60%
Crystal ClassPositive uniaxial, no=na=nb, ne=nc,
no=1.9573, ne=2.1652, @1064nm
no=1.9721, ne=2.1858, @808nm
no=2.0210, ne=2.2560, @532nm
Sellmeier Equation
(for pure YVO4 crystals, λin um)
no2=3.77834+0.069736/(λ2-0.04724) - 0.0108133λ2ne2=4.59905+0.110534/(λ2-0.04813) - 0.0122676λ2