BBO crystal is a nonlinear optical crystal with a combination of the number of unique features.
A-Star Photonics is the original BBO crystals manufacturer who guaranteed 10 days of rapid delivery for most dimensions.
Custom BBO Crystal according to your specification.
For the latest BBO Crystal prices please email us!
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LBO crsytal (Lithium Tri-borate) is one of the most useful nonlinear optical material not just for its relatively large conversion coefficient – 3x that of KDP, but also for its excellent physical propertie
Plano-convex Lenses present a curvecd interface and a planar interface. Thay are for instance the microlenses situated on top of a wafer, and also encountered in macroscopic optical systems
CaF2 Window (Calcium Fluoride Window) is the most advantage product from A-Star’s Plano Workshop. Fluorides are usually toxic to humans, however CaF2 is considered relatively harmless due to its extreme insolubility.
MgF2 Windows(Magnesium Fluoride) is another advantage product of A-Star Photonics. MgF2 material is very difficult to polish due to its soft, A-Star has the stable producing line for several years. We make MgF2 Windows more than 10000pcs each month.
Dual wavelength waveplate is a multiple waveplate that provide a pecitfic retardance at two different wavelengths, it's particularly useful when used in conjunction with other polarization sensitive ...