Optical Crystal


Nd:YVO4 crystal is one of the most efficient laser host crystal currently existing for diode laser pumped solid state lasers. Its large stimulated emission cross-section at lasing wavelengtheffective diode pumped solid-state lasers.


Neodymium doped Gadolinium Orthovanadate single crystal (Nd:GdVO4) is an excellent laser crystal. This crystal is ideal laser host material for the DPSS (Diode pumped Solid State) micro/mini lasers as its good physical,


A-Star supplies high quality Ti:Sapphire(Ti3+:Al2O3) by the advanced growth method of Temperature Gradient Technique (TGT), Ti:Sapphire is an excellent substitute for dye lasers in many applications.


High temperature phase of BaB2O4 is an excellent birefringent crystal; it is characterized by large birefringent coefficient and wide transmission window from 189nm to 3500nm, ...


Calcite is a carbonate mineral and the most stable polymorph of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).It's a negative uniaxial crystal and mostly used as visible and near IR polarizers. It has high birefringence,..


Yttrium Vanadate (YVO4) Crystals Yttrium Vanadate (YVO4) crystals are positive uniaxial crystals grown using the Czochralski method. They have good mechanical and physical properties and are ideal for optical polarizing components because of their wide transparency range and large birefringence.


A-STAR supply the sapphire crystal with high quality, low cost. Careful selection of raw materials and strictly quality control at every stage of growth, ensure the best specifications for different application.

Cr4: YAG

Cr4: YAG Crystals Passive Q-switching is preferred for simplicity of manufacturing and operation, low cost, and reduced system size and weight.