
Penta Prism

Penta Prism is a five-sided prism containing two reflecting surfaces at 45° to each other, and two refracting faces perpendicular to the entering and emerging beams.

Roof Prism

A roof prism is a reflective optical prism containing a section where two faces meet at a 90° angle.  Reflection from the two 90° faces returns an image that is flipped laterally across the axis where the faces meet.

Corner Cube Retroreflectors

Corner Cube Retroreflector has three mutually perpendicular surfaces and a hypotenuse face.

Right Angel Prism

Right Angle Prism is used as a mirror to deviate light through 90 degree, and also as a retroreflector to deflect light through 180 degree by total internal reflection

Dove Prism

Named for its inventor Harting Dove, dove prisms (with antireflection coatings on the ends) completely invert an image by 180 degrees. If the prism is rotated about its axis the image will rotate at twice the rate of rotation of the prism.

Dispersion Prisms

Dispersing Prisms are used to seperate a beam of white light into its component colors. Generally, the light is first collimated and then dispersed by the prism. A spectrum is then formed at the focal plane of a lens or curved mirror.

Anamorphic Prisms

The Anamorphic prisms are used in pairs to magnify input beam size along one axis while leaving the other axis unchanged. The elliptical laser diode beams can be transfered into nearly circular beams.