Tag Archives: bbo crystal

A-Star supplier Low Price BBO Crystal We are specialized in the production of various specifications of optical components according to the customers' demand,  And we are committed our standard more than ten years to offering our customers with excellent products, reasonable prices and high level of service. BBO Crystal / beta-BaB2O4(BBO) Beta-BaB2O4 is a nonlinear optical crystal which combines […]

A) First, is the Nonlinear crystal transparent at the involved wavelengths and phase-matchable? B) If the answer is yes, then what's the damage threshold, effective nonlinear coefficient and group velocity mismatch (for ultra fast laser)? C) Chose suitable crystal sizes according to your laser power and pulse width, then calculate conversion efficiency. D) Finally, balance […]

A-Star's BBO Nonlinear Crystals A-Star's BBO Nonlinear Crystals  Features: Devices with thickness of 5 microns are available Massive production to support industrial customers AR-coating, mounting and re-polishing service Strict quality control Fast delivery - within 2 weeks (without coating) Competitive price and huge OEM discount Beta-BBO crystal is a nonlinear crystal(NLO crystal) with combination of […]

High Temperature form BBO ( a -BaB 2 O 4 ) is a negative uniaxial crystal. It has large birefringence over the broad transparent range from 189 nm to 3500 nm. The physical, chemical, thermal and optical properties of a-BBO crystal are similar to those of b-BBO. However, the nonlinear optical properties of a-BBO crystal […]

Nonlinear Crystals The Nonlinear Optical (NLO) Crystals are used in frequency conversion for lasers. We have a complete line of NLO crystals including DKDP/KDP, BBO, LBO, KTP, KTA, and LiNbO3 crystals, etc. The basic properties, advantages and applications of these crystals are described in this URL. https://www.astarphotonics.com/product-showcase/nlo-crystals/ NLO Crystals (Non-linear Optical Crystals) are used for […]

I have been reading about entangled particles, lasers, the two slit experiment, etc. I really know nothing from physics (i.e. equations, formulas, theory); so please respond accordingly. From my understanding, one typically uses a beta barium borate crystal (BBO) to entangle particles. 1) How does this work? Does one simple purchase a laser pointer and […]

Stock BBO crystals sale Below is a partial stock of BBO crystal for type II THG. Please e-mail us for current stock availability and pricing. BBO crystal for type II THG. 1040.0(e)+ 520.0(o)= 346.7(e) At theta = 39.6 deg., phi=30deg. 1030.0(e)+ 515.0(o)= 343.3(e) At theta = 40.1 deg.., phi=30deg. A-Star Optics offers a complete portfolio […]

BBO Crystal Frequency Doubling The large spectral transmission range as well as phase matchability, especially in UV range, makes BBO perfectly suitable for frequency doubling of Dye, Ar+-ion and Copper vapour laser radiation, effective cascade harmonic generation of wide spread Nd:YAG as well as of Ti:Sapphire and Alexandrite laser radiation. The phase matching angles of […]

bbo crystal damage threshold high damage threshold of 10 GW/cm for 100 ps pulse-width at 1064 nm A-Star bbo crystal damage threshold BaB2O4 is a nonlinear optical crystal which combines a number of unique features. These features include wide transparency and phase matching ranges, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold and excellent optical homogeneity. Therefore, BBO […]