Tag Archives: bbo crystals manufacturer

Please send mail to sales@astarphotonics.com to get the BBO Crystal latest price of 2017. beta-BaB2O4(BBO) Beta-BaB2O4 is a nonlinear optical crystal which combines a number of unique features. These features include wide transparency and phase matching ranges, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold and excellent optical homogeneity. Therefore, BBO provides an attractive solution for various […]

Buy bbo crystal China A- Star Photonics, Inc.  offers a complete portfolio of nonlinear optical crystals: BBO, LBO, KTP, KDP, DKDP, LiIO3, LiNbO3, MgO:LiNbO3...etc. 1. A-Star To provide low-cost high-quality proofing services, business development to provide strong backing for you. 2. A-Star have advanced optical detection equipment and many years experience in test engineering staff, quality […]

 One of the professional BBO crystals manufacturers in China,A-Star manufacture many  BBO crystals Type1 &  Type2 BBO crystals for SHG/THG/FHG/5thHG of Nd:YAG Laser, SHG of Ti:Sapphire Laser, SHG of Dye Lasers, SHG of Ar+ Laser, OPO/OPA and E-O application like 3x3x20mm3, 4x4x20mm3 with golden coating ,Z-Cut BBO crystals. bbo crystals manufacturer BBO crystal or Beta-Barium Borate (β-BaB2O4), has large effective […]