Tag Archives: BBO for SHG

China Beta-Barium Borate Crystal (β _BaB2O4, BBO) BBO crystal is an important nonlinear optical crystals with combination of unique optical properties. Broad transmission and phase matching ranges, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold and excellent optical homogeneity provide attractive possibilities for various nonlinear optical applications. China Beta-Barium Borate Advantages: Broad phase matching (SHG) range from […]

A-Star's Nonlinear optical crystal BBO Crystal   A-STAR PHOTONICS manufactures and supplies high quality bbo, bbo crystal, bbo crystal buy, bbo crystals, BBO crystals Type1  BBO CRYTSTAL ,BBO for SHG ,Beta-Barium Borate to replace Calcite in many applications, especially in UV and high power operations. A-STAR PHOTONICS is China Nonlinear optical BBO Crystal Manufacturer.

Optical LBO Crystal A-Star Photonics are specialized in the production of various specifications of optical components according to the customers' demand,  And we are committed our standard more than eight years to offering our customers with excellent products, reasonable prices and high level of service. LBO Crystal is one of the most useful nonlinear optical material not […]

Nonlinear Crystals The Nonlinear Optical (NLO) Crystals are used in frequency conversion for lasers. We have a complete line of NLO crystals including DKDP/KDP, BBO, LBO, KTP, KTA, and LiNbO3 crystals, etc. The basic properties, advantages and applications of these crystals are described in this URL. https://www.astarphotonics.com/product-showcase/nlo-crystals/ NLO Crystals (Non-linear Optical Crystals) are used for […]

Lithium Triborate LiB3O5 FOR SHG SHG (Second Harmonic Generation) LBO Crystal is phase matchable for the SHG and THG of Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF lasers, using either type I or type II interaction. For the SHG at room temperature, type I phase matching LBO can be reached and has the maximum effective SHG coefficient in the […]

Efficient UV output (205nm-310nm) with a SHG efficiency of over 10% at wavelength of ≥206nm was obtained in type I BBO, and 36% BBO crystals conversion efficiency  was achieved for a XeC1-laser pumped Dye laser with power 150KW which is about 4-6 times higher than that in ADP. The shortest SHG wavelength of 204.97 nm with […]

bbo crystal conversion efficiency This article discusses the second-harmonic generation (SHG) of tightly focused fs laser pulses in a BBO crystal. It was found theoretically and demonstrated experimentally that the spatial walk-off (SWO) and group-velocity dispersion (GVD) effects can suppress the pulse distortion and gain depression of SHG due to group-velocity mismatch (GVMM), thus keeping […]

Second-harmonic generation from regeneratively amplified femtosecond laser pulses in BBO and LBO crystals bbo crystal second harmonic generation The spectral and temporal characteristics and optical-conversion efficiency of ∼150−fs∼150-fs laser pulses at 400 nm generated by second-harmonic generation (SHG) of a regeneratively amplified mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser were investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The theoretical investigation was […]

BBO Crystal Second Harmonic Generation Second-harmonic generation Second harmonic generation (also called frequency doubling or abbreviated SHG) is a nonlinear optical process, in which photons with the same frequency interacting with a nonlinear material are effectively "combined" to generate new photons with twice the energy, and therefore twice the frequency and half the wavelength of […]

BBO for SHGA-Star manufacture many BBO crystals Type1 & BBO crystals Type2  for SHG of Nd:YAG Laser. SHG of Ti:Sapphire Laser, SHG of Dye Lasers, SHG of Ar+ laser, OPO/OPA and E-O application like 3x3x20mm3, 4x4x20mm3 with golden coating, Z-Cut BBO crystals. BBO FOR SHG BBO for THGA-Star manufacture many BBO crystals Type1 & BBO […]