Tag Archives: CaF2 windows

CaF2   Fused Silica is commonly used for applications requiring high transmission in the infrared and ultraviolet spectral ranges. Its extremely high laser damage threshold makes it useful for use with excimer lasers. CaF2  exhibits a low refractive index, varying from 1.35 to 1.51 within its usage range of 180 nm to 8.0 μm. Calcium fluoride […]

A-Star's N-BK7 glass If you want buy N-BK7 Glass Windows please click this url ( https://www.astarphotonics.com/product-detail/bk7-window/ ),This page information will be more accurate! If you want get the N-BK7 Glass price,please free send email to us! The BK7 window has good performance over visible and near IR spectrum for most application. N-BK7 glass is the […]

Aoptical -Star's Optical Windows Bk7 A-Star are the manufacturer and supplier of Optical Windows Bk7 in fuzhou,China, welcome to factory inspection . Extreme precision Optical Windows Bk7, customized to your specification. If you want buy BK7 windows please click this url ( https://www.astarphotonics.com/product-detail/bk7-window/ ),This page information will be more accurate! Optical Windows Bk7 We are producing, supplying […]

China Optical Components Manufacturer A-Star Optics is a company specializing in manufacturing high precision optical components including optical lenses, optical  prisms, optical  beamsplitters, waveplates, polarizers, interference filters, laser mirrors, BBO crystal, achromatic lenses, cylindrical lenses, CaF2 window. A-Star Optics produce optical components in both customized design and standard design at a fair cost.  Optical components […]

Calcium Fluoride Lenses Circular Fluoride Windows are applied to isolate different physical environments while allowing light pass. When selecting Optical windows,please consider materials, transmission, scattering, parallelism and resistance to certain environment. A-Star Optics produce a wide range of optical lenses with the best grade materail of BK7,fused  silica,  sapphire,  CaF2  and MgF2, other  materials ( like Ge, […]

Calcium Fluoride Windows / Caf2 Windows manufacturer of custom Calcium Fluoride optical components for Ultraviolet and Infrared applications. Please visit our CaF2 windows catalog and CaF2 lenses catalog and buy cheaper than major optical catalogs price! We produce the following custom CaF2 optics: CaF2 lenses with any focal length; Calcium Fluoride windows up to 220mm […]

China Calcium Fluoride Supplier Calcium Fluoride is used for optical windows, drilled discs, lenses and prisms in transmision range 0.15-9µm. Degradation due to to moisture in the atmosphere is minimal, and polished surfaces of the CaF2 windows may be expected to withstand several years exposure to normal atmospheric conditions. Since they are nonaxial, CaF2 crystals […]

We are the manufacturer and supplier of Optical Windows in China, welcome to factory inspection . We offer a wide variety optical windows and interferometer flats for common or very demanding interferometer measurements. Please see our Optical Window Guide for additional information. A-Star Photonics’ Windows include: CaF2 windows, MgF2 windows, Fused Silica windows (Corning 7980 […]