Tag Archives: KTA Crystal Properties

KTA Crystals Potassium Titanyl Arsenate (KTiOAsO4 or KTA) is an excellent NLO crystal developed recently for NLO devices and Nonlinear KTA crystals for OPO applications. China A-Star's  KTA Crystals https://www.astarphotonics.com/product-detail/kta/ KTA Crytstal is an excellent optical non-linear crystal developed recently for non-linear optical and electrooptical device applications. KTA Crystals for OPO laser Potassium Titanyle Arsenate(KTiOAsO4), […]

  KTA Crystal Basic Properties Crystal Structure Orthorhombic, point group mm2, Lattice parameter a=13.125À, b=6.5716À, c=10.786À Melting point 1130℃ Mohs Hardness near 5 Density 3.454g/cm3 Thermal conductivity K1:1.8W/m/K;  K2: 1.9W/m/K;  K3: 2.1W/m/K Optical and Nonlinear Optical Properties / KTA Crystal Basic Properties TransparencyRange 350-5300nm Absorption Coefficients @ 1064 nm <0.05 %/cm @ 1533 nm <0.05 […]