Tag Archives: lbo

Fuzhou Astar is a top supplier of LBO Crystal in China. Lithium Tri-borate (LBO) is one of the most useful nonlinear optical material not just for its relatively large conversion coefficient - 3x that of KDP, but also for its excellent physical properties. LBO crystal has broad optical transparency range from 160 to 2600nm. It […]

Lithium Triborate (LBO) Crystal   LBO Crystal Main Features: It is unique in many aspects, especially its wide transparency range, moderately high non-linear coupling, high damage threshold and good chemical and mechanical properties. Its transmission range is from 0.16m to 2.6m. LBO crystals allows temperature-controllable non-critical phase-matching (NCPM) for 1.0-1.3 m, Type I SHG, and […]

A-Star’s LBO crystals A-Star’s NLO Crystals (Nonlinear Crystals) include LBO Crystal, ,bbo crystal,LiNbO3 Crystal, MgO:LiNbO3 Crystal,and  KTA Crystal etc. A-Star collect especial carefully for the inside material quality and polish in quickest time. Large LBO crystal with size up to 10x10x30mm and maximum length of 35mm LBO CRYSTALS Features * Broad transparency range from 160nm […]

A-Star's LBO crystal( Lithium Triborate Optical Crystal) A-Star is China LBO crystal( Lithium Triborate Optical Crystal) manufacturer. this kind of LBO Crystals (2*2*7mm) is going into mass production in ATOM, the price not according to the Qtys you need. LBO Crystal  theta=90.0degree, phi =19.3 degree size 2x2x7mm3, AR 946, 473 nm unit price(FOB SH):US$60/pc Lead […]

A-Star's BBO Nonlinear Crystals Introduction Lithium triborate (LiB 3 O 5 or LBO) has the following exceptional properties that make it a very important nonlinear crystal. Lithium Triborate (LBO) is a nonlinear optical crystal that has several distinctive features. LBO crystal can be used for a variety of nonlinear optical applications. LBO Nonlinear Crystals Application: Optical […]

Optical LBO Crystal A-Star Photonics are specialized in the production of various specifications of optical components according to the customers' demand,  And we are committed our standard more than eight years to offering our customers with excellent products, reasonable prices and high level of service. LBO Crystal is one of the most useful nonlinear optical material not […]

Nonlinear Crystals The Nonlinear Optical (NLO) Crystals are used in frequency conversion for lasers. We have a complete line of NLO crystals including DKDP/KDP, BBO, LBO, KTP, KTA, and LiNbO3 crystals, etc. The basic properties, advantages and applications of these crystals are described in this URL. https://www.astarphotonics.com/product-showcase/nlo-crystals/ NLO Crystals (Non-linear Optical Crystals) are used for […]

Lithium Triborate LiB3O5 FOR SHG SHG (Second Harmonic Generation) LBO Crystal is phase matchable for the SHG and THG of Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF lasers, using either type I or type II interaction. For the SHG at room temperature, type I phase matching LBO can be reached and has the maximum effective SHG coefficient in the […]

LBO Crystal Temperature LBO Crystal allows temperature-controllable non-critical phase-matching(NCPM) for 1.0-1.3 /im. Type I SHG , and also provides room temperature NCPM for typeII SHG at 0.8-1.1/im. It possesses a relativey(dn 0-6/cm) and being free of inclusion Relatively largequality requirements for sours lasers. Lithium Triborate LiB305or LBO is a newly developed nonlinear optical crystal. LBO is […]

Stock BBO crystals sale Below is a partial stock of BBO crystal for type II THG. Please e-mail us for current stock availability and pricing. BBO crystal for type II THG. 1040.0(e)+ 520.0(o)= 346.7(e) At theta = 39.6 deg., phi=30deg. 1030.0(e)+ 515.0(o)= 343.3(e) At theta = 40.1 deg.., phi=30deg. A-Star Optics offers a complete portfolio […]