Tag Archives: Wave plate

A- Star Photonics, Inc. in the SPIE Photonics The SPIE Photonics West 2017 Exhibition has held on Jan.31th to Feb.2nd 2017 in San Francisco, USA. This year, the Record-breaking Registered Attendance of 23,059! 6,545 Conference Attendees 8,920 Exhibition-Only Visitors 7,594 Exhibitor Representatives 1,384 Exhibiting Companies Approximately 23,000 scientists, researchers, engineers, students, and others from throughout […]

A-Star's Achromatic Wave Plate Requires OEM quantity pricing. Please contact us if you have custom requirements. Achromatic Wave Plate Specifications: 1.Achromatic waveplate material:Birefringent crystals 2.Dimension Tolerance:+0.0/-0.2mm 3.S/D:40/20 4.Parallelism<10arc Achromatic Waveplate / Achromatic Wave plate Achromatic waveplate is similar to zero order waveplate except that the two plates are made from different briefringent crystals.Since the dispersion […]

New Wave Plate Sale Low order Wave Plate, zero order Wave Plate, Achromatic  Wave Plate delivery from stock,competive price. Zero order, low order waveplate half, quarter, quartz waveplate Fast delivery, best price · In custom sizes, shapes New Wave Plate Sale We purchased the New wave plate last year when you had it on sale,Get more infomation please […]

A-Star Wave Plate Stock We are the manufacturer and supplier of Wave Plate in China, welcome to factory inspection . Waveplates, also known as Retarders, are used to transmit light while modifying its polarization state without attenuating, deviating, or displacing the beam. Common Waveplate applications include rotating linear polarization, or transforming linear polarization into circular polarization. Retarders […]

A-Star Photonics Wave Plate Store Factory direct supplier of Wave Plate. Get the more infomation of optical Wave Plate please click the down link: https://www.astarphotonics.com/product-showcase/waveplate/ The Waveplate Store provides Muiltiple Order Waveplates and Zero Order Waveplates. A-Star can produce: Low Order Waveplate, Zero Order Waveplate, Dual Wavelength Waveplate, Achromatic Waveplate. For the Low Order Waveplate, there are […]

A-Star 1/4 Wave Plate A-Star can produce: Low Order Waveplate, Zero Order Waveplate, Dual Wavelength Waveplate, Achromatic Waveplate. For the Low Order Waveplate, there are Low Order Waveplate and Multi-Order Waveplate. Wave plate using birefringent crystal materials, resulting in phase with the incident and the incident light to produce a phase difference of λ / […]